We are Clara.
We exist to help you access breakthrough clinical trials.
We believe that all patients should have the power to access the most advanced healthcare available. But we understand that getting started on the journey can be overwhelming.
That’s why we built Clara to be the simplest, fastest, most patient-friendly way to connect you to the newest treatment options.
And that’s why we work every day to help bring more clarity to this space. Because your health is the most important thing. We are Clara and we’re here to help you every step of the way.
Our Mission
Evan Ehrenberg
When Sol first approached me with the idea for Clara, I didn’t hesitate to jump onboard to help. I saw the project as a clear opportunity to empower more individuals to take charge of their health and find new treatments through trials. And by doing so, I believed that we could help patients and researchers bring tomorrow’s cures to reality faster than ever before.
Nothing I’ve worked on previously compares to the impact that Clara could have on the treatments that patients are able to access today. For too long, patients were left to sift through disparate resources and navigate inefficient systems, all while facing down some of the most challenging moments of their lives.
Each day, our team has the privilege of being there for people confronting incredibly difficult circumstances. We’re honored that we get to work to guide patients along their journeys by equipping them with the tools they need to beat their medical condition and by connecting them with the some of the most recent advancements that science has to offer.
It seems like yesterday that we began building Clara. And while we know that there is still a long way to go, we are excited to keep walking down this road, and to be working hand-in-hand with patients to build communities, tools, and resources that could help millions of people around the world.
Sol Chen
When I was walking to a class at Brown I saw a paper flyer stapled to a pole posted by researchers who were trying to find breast cancer patients to participate in their study. As it hung there, ignored by everyone passing by, I found myself fascinated with its absurdity: No one would find a trial this way, let alone enroll in one, right?
I didn’t know much about clinical trials at that time, but kept wondering why there wasn’t a central place to find clinical trials online where patients could find all the clinical trials to figure out which could benefit them.
As I began to research the field, I found that there were indeed tools available for patients, but that they were antiquated and confusing. I also learned that challenges in recruitment presented one of the largest speedbumps that caused delays - and often failure - in research.
Speaking with and learning from patients who went through clinical trials solidified my resolve. Access to these trials should be far easier, faster, and more democratic than it is today. Lives hang in the balance and lives are impacted by hurdles that can be cleared.
And that’s why I’m working to build Clara. It’s time to make a change, and we hope that we can contribute something that helps every patient feel more empowered and less alone, even in the midst of the most challenging moments of their lives.
Meet our Team

Our Advisory Boards
Patient Advisory Board
Our distinct group of patient advisors are instrumental in setting the direction of the company and Clara platform, providing critical insights to ensure the patient voice remains at the center of each and every decision made.
Anna Legassie
Patient advocate, writer, and athlete living with Rheumatoid Arthritis
Chanel White (The Tube Fed Wife)
Systemic Scleroderma clinical trial participant, steadfast patient advocate, and motivational speaker
Chantelle Marcial
Advocate at Global Healthy Living Foundation/CreakyJoints.org, clinical trial participant
Christina Lizaso
Co-founder of #gyncsm Community for Gynecologic Cancer
Michele Rhee
Patient Affairs at Enzyvant, Board Member of Costs Of Care, rare disease and cancer patient advocate
Breakthrough Crew
Passionate patients, caregivers, advocates, and healthcare professionals who believe in the power of research to transform lives.
Medical Advisory Board
Craig Gordon, M.D.
VP at Capital Group
Former Rheumatology Fellow at Duke Medical Center
Alex Morgan M.D.
Principal at Khosla Ventures
Ben Iwasz
Clinical Research Coordinator at UCSF Helen Diller Family Comprehensive Cancer Center
Life Sciences Advisory Board
Pravin Chaturvedi
Founder and CEO at Oceanyx Pharma
Daniel Dornbusch
Board Member at Arrow Immune
Former Founder and CEO of Acteris
Joshua Cohen & Justin Klee
Founders of Amylyx Pharmaceuticals
Clinical Operations Advisory Board
Tomasz Zastawny
VP Drug Development & Clinical Operations at AVEO Oncology
Craig Sorensen
Former VP External Research at Vertex
Shari Burgess
CEO of Clinsytes
Former VP Client Relationship Team at Stiris Research
Security Advisory Board
John Hering
Founder at Lookout
Fred Melendres
Managing Partner at Melendres & Melendres
Anik Guha
Partner at Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe
Colin Rooney
Partner at Arthur Cox
Health Technology Advisory Board
Keith Rabois
GP at Founders Fund
Former COO at Square
Kevin Hartz
Co-founder and Chairman of Eventbrite
Former CEO of Eventbrite
Evan Moore
Partner at Khosla Ventures
Former VP Product at OpenDoor
Ben Ling
Founding GP at Bling Capital
Adrian Aoun
Founder and CEO of Forward
Laura Deming
Partner at The Longevity Fund